Staff Education

Most staff who work in schools, preschools, daycares or for businesses, agencies and organizations that provide care, education or instruction for children have received little, if any, training in how to deal with inappropriate, disruptive behaviour. Staff are encouraged to promote self-management and empowerment, and to avoid being too directive or controlling in their interactions with the children in their care but, again, may have never learned effective techniques for accomplishing this.


Children who lack the skills to manage their own behaviour, and/or to regulate their emotions, will be unable to read social cues accurately, follow directions and respond appropriately. This often results in them being disruptive and having to be removed from activities, being ostracized by other children and failing to progress in academic environments.


Personal responsibility and moral ethical decision-making are the product of the child learning appropriate, respectful behavioural limits. Staff must, within the context of a supportive, caring relationship, help the child develop self-awareness and the ability to manage their own behaviour. As children age, they must assume increasing levels of executive control over their thoughts, feelings and actions, with the adolescent years being particularly fraught with challenging situations that can prove damaging for those who are ill-equipped to manage them.


This program parallels the philosophy and content of the Parent Education Program, is also based upon social learning and attachment theories, and provides participants with the following (similar to the Parent Education Program):


  • An understanding of current theory related to child development, attachment and behaviour
  • Skills to establish and strengthen healthy adult child attachment
  • Skills to teach and maintain respectful, responsible prosocial behaviour
  • Techniques to establish self-discipline and self-management
  • Skills to reduce inappropriate behaviours, including:
    • Attention-seeking
    • Non-compliance
    • Aggressive, destructive and unsafe behaviours

In addition the Staff Education Program offers:

  • Techniques for creating a positive, calm group environment
  • Strategies for motivating learning, task completion and appropriate behaviour in the setting
  • Strategies for addressing parent concerns/issues (optional)

*Note: Some organizations have found it extremely beneficial to provide both staff and parents with the training, in order to promote consistent practice between parents and teachers/care providers. It is possible to have both parents and staff attend the same program.


The program is available as follows:

  • 6 Group sessions (7pm – 9pm, one evening/week), located in North Vancouver
    • Cost: $200/person (includes manual)
  • 6 Group sessions or 2 days, offered at your site/location (minimum 15 participants
    • Cost: $200/person (includes manual)

**The option of holding the sessions at your site offers the benefits of convenience, reduced cost, and some flexibility on course content. The above prices are based upon services delivered in the lower mainland vicinity of British Columbia, but pricing can be provided for delivering the program in your community.